Using power words in your pitch.

Power words help to give your pitch a little bit of extra positivity.

Creating a positive environment doesn’t only make your listener smile more, it will also have a positive effect on you.

And because you will be more positive thanks to these words, you will be smiling more, which will result into even more positivity from your listener.

This works double!

Here is a list of 13 power words you should include in your pitch. They are divided per building block for your pitch.

The ‘problem’ building block was excluded from this list, as you don’t want your listener to become attached to the problem, but to the solution.

Make sure to not overdo it, just pick a few of them. Use these power words in your pitch and you’ll receive a standing ovation for sure!  



1) Imagine

Imagine: You are in a room filled with 5000 people and you have to do a pitch in 2 minutes from now.

2) Nice   

It’s really nice you are here with me today.

3) Excited

I am really excited to share an amazing opportunity with you today.

4) Believe

I believe in a future where everybody knows how to pitch.



5) Found

We found a way to tackle this problem.

6) Discover

We discovered a solution to this problem.

Business model

7) Clearly

These numbers clearly show a big opportunity for this company.

8) Positive 

Thanks to the size of the market we are positive about our future.

9) Great

The numbers show a great potential for you, as an investor.



10) Good

Our team has a good chemistry going on.

11) Lot

In the short time we worked on this company we already achieved a lot: we build a prototype and got our first paying customers.


Call to action

12) Journey

Become part of this journey from a start up to an established multinational.

13) Build

We are building a successful company, become part of this and invest in it today.



Use these power words in your pitch to give your pitch some extra power. Don’t use all of them, just pick a few which you like and blend them into your pitch. Good luck!


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