Analyzing your audience before you pitch is really important.

Whenever I coach entrepreneurs on their pitch, one of the first questions I ask them is: ‘to whom are you pitching’. The type and amount of person(s) listening to you pitch, has a great influence on the way you should prepare your pitch.

Is your audience full of tech IT professionals? Tell them a little bit about your IT structure.

Is your audience full of financial experts? Don’t forget your financial overview.

Is your audience small? Make your pitch engaging, open your pitch with a question to the audience.

Every audience demands a different approach.

So how to analyze the audience before a pitch?

There are a few ways to analyze the audience before a pitch:

  1. Ask the host of the event how many and what type of people will be attending
  2. Research the people who rsvp’d yes on Facebook or Meetup
  3. Research reports or videos of the previous editions of the event you are pitching.

 Before you prepare your pitch, do some research about who will be listening to your pitch and use that to your advantage.

Hi! Iā€™m Ralph. I help startups to get funded by designing a persuasive pitch.